Platelet Rich Fibrin “PRF”

Platelet Rich Fibrin “PRF”, is a procedure that uses your body's own natural healing properties. Your blood is drawn and the platelets are then extracted. The platelets are full of growth factors to promote healing and tissue remodeling. This helps reduce downtime, build collagen, activate stem cells/ growth factors, as well as strengthen the tissue. PRF is a great NATURAL form of rejuvenation!

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What to expect:

The patient will be topically numbed and the skin will be thoroughly cleansed prior to the procedure. The goal is for minimal discomfort during the procedure. The appointment will typically last 30-45 min minutes. This time will be spent numbing, drawing the blood, discussing post care, as well as performing the procedure.

Swelling or bruising are the most common side effects of the procedure and are typically very mild and improve within a few days. Results can be seen in 4-6 weeks.

How many sessions do I need?

While results can be seen with one session, typically 3 sessions are needed for optimal results. Most clients are initially recommended to complete 3 treatments spaced 6-8 weeks apart. PRF results are long lasting, however maintenance sessions are recommended for continued results.

Where can it be performed?

PRF is safe to use anywhere on the body. It can be injected like a filler or it can be applied topically for procedures. PRF is a great nautral enhancement to multiple treatment plans.

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